3 Jobs at Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Tanzania

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Monitoring and Evaluation Officers (3 posts)

Job description

"Sometimes in life there is that moment when it's possible to make a change for the better. This is one of those moments."
  • Elizabeth Glaser
  • The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation is a global leader in the fight against pediatric HIV and AIDS, working in 19 countries and supporting close to 6,000 sites around the world to prevent the transmission of HIV to children, and to facilitate access to services for those already infected. Today, because of the highly successful work of the Foundation and its partners, pediatric AIDS has been virtually eliminated in the United States. With a growing global staff of over 1,000—nine of 10 who work in the field—the Foundation’s global mission is to implement prevention, care, and treatment; further advance innovative research and to execute strategic and targeted global advocacy activities to bring dramatic change to the lives of millions of women, children, and families worldwide.
    Position Summary
    Job Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Officers (3 posts)
    Immediate Supervisor: Senior Advisor TB services, Senior Manager HIS
    Dotted line supervisor : Senior Manager Health information system
    Location: Dar es Salaam
    Roles Summary
    The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer will work as a key member of EGPAF’s Technical team, under the day to day management of the Senior Advisor TB services and the dotted technical leadership of Senior HIS manager of the country office. The HIS Officer will work in close collaboration with other staff members to ensure that all Cap-TB project data well recorded in the system, design and review of different TB record and reporting tool, generate and analyze data and reports and presenting data to end user and monitor and evaluate Cap-TB project activities are performed in EGPAF Tanzania’s cap-TB regions with required standards.
    Essential Duties And Responsibilities
    • Take lead in Monitoring implementation of the Cap-TB project activities
    • Capacity building to sub grantees as well as EGPAF staffs at project offices
    • Participate in report collection, compilation, analysis and submission to EGPAF Country office, HQ, donors and other stakeholders;
    • Reviewing of all reporting tool used by EGPAF or its sub grantees where necessary
    • Evaluation and use of data of the program to inform management of proper decision making process
    • Support and work with Quality Improvement team to implement activities:
    Required Qualifications
    • A university degree in Statistics, Health Sciences or any field providing the essential skills and experience for Monitoring and Evaluation
    • Three or more years work experience in monitoring and evaluation in donor funded projects, including experience with M&E tools development at field and reporting levels, the DHIS, data capture and data management programs (Excel, Access, Power BI, etc.).
    Knowledge, Skills & Abilities
    • Training and experience in Monitoring and Evaluation and the development of M&E tools; preferably of HIV& AIDS interventions or a related field, or otherwise the capacity and motivation to acquire an in-depth knowledge of this field in a short time.
    • Experience in database management, tool development and developing and conducting training.
    • Previous experience program monitoring and reporting; preferably under US Government regulations.
    • Excellent oral and written communication skills (English and Kiswahili); strong critical thinking, problem solving and attentiveness to detail.
    • Experience with using national CTC2 database and DHIS2
    Position Details
    Job title: Program Coordinator Paediatric TB Services
    Immediate Supervisor: National Paediatric TB focal person (TBHIV Coordinator)
    Dotted line supervisor: Senior Advisor TB service (EGPAF)
    Location: NTLP office Dar es Salaam
    Job Summary
    The Project Coordinator Paediatric TB services, is a highly committed, self-motivated and result oriented individual. S/he will work at the ministry of health, (NTLP) to support, supervise and coordinate implementation of all activities related to Childhood TB in the country. S/he will be supervised by the TBHIV coordinator who serves as a National Paediatric TB focal person and receive TA from Senior Technical advisor TB services at EGPAF. S/he will be responsible to ensure that childhood TB services are effectively provided, coordinated, monitored and reported to MOH and donors. S/he will work closely with TB implementing partners, RHMTs and CHMTs to push the childhood TB agenda forward using new innovations in diagnosis and treatment of childhood TB. S/he will ensure childhood Tb services are provided at highest quality according to WHO and national guidelines by creating enabling environment to the regions and through provision of Technical assistance to implementation teams
    Essential Duties And Responsibilities
    • Coordinating Paediatric TB activities in the country including planning, implementation, monitoring, and documentation and reporting: Under the leadership of National Paediatric TB focal person;
    • Support Cap-TB project regions, councils and facilities to provide high quality services
    • Ensure good Documentation and reporting of national and project TB activities
    • Representing NTLP and EGPAF at meetings and workshops related to Paediatric TB
    Required Qualifications
    • MD or /Pediatrician from recognized university, MPH will be added advantage
    • At least 5 years of proven experience in program management and implementation of TB programs in developing countries, including supervision and reporting
    Knowledge, Skills & Abilities
    • Experience in clinical management of TB in children in resource poor settings
    • strategic ideas into implementation
    • Demonstrated knowledge of the Tanzania health system and national Tuberculosis program is essential
    • Knowledge and experience in writing proposals and reports for international donor agencies.
    • Good oral and written communication skills and strong work ethics
    • Good knowledge of basic IT skills including Microsoft word, excel, power point, and outlook and Internet).
    • Creative imagination in designing interventions using Quality Improvement principles
    • Ability to manage multiple priorities and projects while working as part of a team.
    • Strong ability to think strategically, with equally strong practical ability to translate
    • Excellent oral and written English skills.
    Job Title: Early Childhood Development (ECD) Coordinator
    Immediate Supervisor: ECD Senior Project Manager
    Location: Tabora
    Job Summary
    The ECD coordinator will be responsible for closely follow up of overall Malezi activities in Tabora region. He/she will be responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring of Malezi II activities implemented in 82 sites in 3 districts (Igunga, Nzega and Tabora Municipal). The coordinator will be the contact person in relation to ECD activities in the region working closely with R/CHMTs and EGPAF other projects. Quality and research being an emphasis of the project, ECD coordinator will work closely with HIS, Research and implementation teams to ensure good coordination. Overall, the ECD coordinator will work closely with EGPAF’s other projects to ensure linkages and integration of services.
    Key roles of ECD project Coordinator
    Lead and coordinate the overall activities of Malezi II in Tabora region including planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting.
    • Coordinate with other project team member and Tabora team to inform the development of quarterly work plan
    • Coordinate with media partner – DMI to ensure that their activities are in cooperated in the main work plan
    • Take a lead to ensure that Malezi II work plan is included into regional and council’s project plans.
    • Compile quarterly and annual report as per developed work plan
  • Support the Malezi II project to ensure provision quality ECD activities
    • Work with R/CHMTs teams to ensure existence of support and supervision tools in relation to ECD activities
    • Organize and support roll out of quality CCD training to HCWs& CHWs in their respective districts
    • Organize and conduct joint quarterly supportive supervision visit with CHMTs in Malezi sites
    • Conduct monthly sites visits to monitor quality ECD service delivery in the health facilities and communities
    • Continue providing in house capacity building to the HCWs & CHWs to ensure quality CCD provision
    • Build technical capacity of project staff based in the field including Community Engagement and CPCs so they are able to continue supervising and monitoring implementation planned project activities.
  • Collaborate with MOHCDGEC and other stakeholders on improving ECD services
    • Organize ECD/CCD orientation meeting to R/CHMTs so to build their capacity
    • Actively share project reports and updates with the R/CHMTs as required
    • Work closely with R/CHMTs teams to identify potential ECD champions in their areas and develop individual capacity building plans.
    • Participate in stakeholders meetings happening in Tabora to share project updates and progress.
  • Documentation and research
    • Work closely with HIS Officer and health facilities to pilot identified ECD indicators for documentation and sharing with the ministry
    • Ensure accurate data completion and report writing in Malezi sites using developed tools
    • Use quarterly visits to get feedback from HCWs and CHWs on tools and means for improvement
    • Support the Research Coordinator and his/her team on research activities happening in the project
    • Work with CE, HIS and research coordinator to identify any promising trends, ideas with potential of documentation.
    Representation And Other Duties
    • Link with other EGPAF’s projects including Boresha Afya and CIFF to support the integration of services
    • Representing EGPAF at meetings and workshops related to ECD activities in the region level
    • Perform other relevant program related duties as assigned by the direct manager
    Required Qualifications
    • Bachelor's Degree in Health, Early Childhood Development or Nutrition; or related Social Sciences
    • Minimum five (05) years of experience and demonstrated skills in coordinating and managing child health, nutrition, and development projects.
    Knowledge, Skills & Abilities
    • At least two (02) years in a role that involved working with the government at regional or district levels and other stakeholders.
    • Knowledge and experience in child related projects and capacity building.
    • Good oral and written communication skills.
    • Good knowledge of basic IT skills including Microsoft word, excel, power point, and outlook and Internet).
    • Creative imagination in designing interventions using Quality Improvement principles
    • Ability to coordinate and work as a team in the organization with an integrated approach.
    Job Title: Community Engagement Officer
    Immediate Supervisor : Senior Manager Community Engagement
    Location: Dar es Salaam
    Roles Summary
    The Community Engagement Officer will work as a key regional cross cutting member of EGPAF’s technical team, coordinating and providing technical assistance to respective regions councils` facilities and communities to maximize comprehensive health services uptake, strengthening referral and linkages across service areas and retention into continuum of care for improved quality of life of clients and communities at large.
    He/she will be working close collaboration with EGPAF councils project coordinators across the supported regions, the councils community development officers, home based care coordinators, community health workers coordinators, councils HIV/AIDS coordinators, social welfare officers and other community stakeholders including IPs, CSO and CBOs to support implementation, supervision and monitoring of community activities that will increase access to health services at the community including strengthen linkages, referral systems, and client tracking and implementing community care models to improve access and retention into continuum of care.
    Under the supervision of Senior Manager - Community Engagement and support from ECD coordinator, the CE Officer will work closely with councils project coordinators, to provide technical assistance to councils community stakeholders in implementation of ECD, HIV, TB and Family planning, Nutrition activities in the supported program regions, Councils and health facilities.
    Essential Duties And Key Responsibilities
    Coordination Community Engagement Activities in EGPAF supported Regions and Councils
    • Work closely with the councils project coordinators and ECD Coordinator to ensure all community based supported priority areas are captured in the annual and quarterly work plans
    • Ensure adequate integration of facilities and community based activities that will increase identification, enrolment & retention of clients in provided services (developmental delays, malnutrition, HTS, PMTCT/EID, ART, TB and family planning ).
    • He/ she will work closely with Facilities & Community actors (CSO/FBO, support groups and CHW) in project regions to coordinate facility community based treatment supportive activities that increase access & demand of health services provided at health facility and community level such as ECD, ART, PMTCT, Family Planning, Adolescents and youth friendly services, Nutrition, TB and gender services.
    • Work with regional managers, councils project coordinators, ECD coordinator and officers to facilitate networks and linkages between the sub-grantees with potential organizations that are involved in supporting PLHAs (in counseling, child disability, nutrition and income generating programs) in the projects’ facilities catchment areas for referral and linkages of clients
    • Guide implementation being done by community HBC and CHWs services focal person at regional, district and facility levels on planning, implementation and reporting of the community engagement activities ensuring increased awareness of ECD services, HIV testing, referral, enrolment and retention.
    • In collaboration with CHMT, engage community actors to support health facilities to improve community based treatment supportive services to improve treatment adherence and clinic attendance. This includes using opportunity through ECD activities to facilitate testing and adherence.
    • Work with Coordinators (CHAC, DCBHSC, Supervisors, active CSO) to coordinate the CHW and lay counselors effort to attain maximum output through their community based activities
    Capacity building, supervision and Monitoring of Community engagement implementation
    • In collaboration with CPCs, oversee and support CHMTs to implement community based programs activities to enable clients’ particularly vulnerable population access ECD, HIV, TB and Family planning services through demand creation campaigns
    • Build the capacity of CHMTs in the development of work plans, and council budgets and monitor implementation of planned activities through health facilities
    • Conduct trainings for community volunteers (CHWs, lay counselors, Home based care providers, home based care supervisors) in the project areas like Care for Child Development (CCD), HIV community family Planning, TB and home based HIV testing services.
    • Build capacity of health facilities staff and CHW to improve treatment adherence and Psychosocial Support Counseling and provision of PHDP [1] package for clients quality of life and retention on services
    • Provide TA to Health facility staff and CHW to strengthen paper based management referrals system which include proper filling of referral forms, monitoring of returned referral forms and keeping records appropriately
    • With the support from the coordinator-community linkages; ensure planned trainings and workshops or meetings for community stakeholders (lay counselors, CHW, Treatment adherence counselors, CBHS Coordinators/supervisors, Local leaders, CSOs, community members etc) in the project areas are well coordinated and implemented in high quality and follow up is made for expected output or outcome
    Documentation, reporting and sharing
    • With the support from SMCE, she/he will coordinate the Stakeholders inventory list and contacts and update from time to time (this include CHW, Lay Counselors, Support groups, CSO, CHMT etc)
    • Ensure project teams and partners are capable of documenting and compiling monthly, quarterly or semiannual and annual community engagement activities
    • Support the data collection, recording and reporting by volunteers using the appropriate formats and submitted reports at the site;
    • Compile monthly and quarterly report on community based health services
    • Share experiences of implementing community based activities with other EGPAF staffs and other partners;
    • Document for sharing best practices in form of case studies, success stories, abstracts, video clips and experiences from implemented community linkages innovative interventions and activities both internally and externally to the councils, ministry, development partners and donors
    Representation And Other
    • Liaise with projects and other organization implementing community based services for information sharing to further improve planning for facility and community linkages and referral systems
    • Travel up to 50% in supporting community based activities implementation and representation to relevant meetings, workshop and conferences as much as required by the projects
    • Represent the organization in different collaboration meetings between the government and other CBOs and NGOs that focus on strengthening continuum of care in the community
    • Undertake any other relevant duties as assigned by the direct supervisor or senior management team.
    Required Qualifications
    • Bachelor's Degree or Diploma in Sociology/social work, Early Childhood Development or Nutrition
    • Minimum five (05) years of experience and demonstrated skills in coordinating and managing child health, nutrition, and development projects.
    Knowledge, Skills & Abilities
    • At least two (02) years in a role that involved working with community projects
    • Experience in working with the government at regional or district levels and other stakeholders.
    • Knowledge and experience in child related projects and capacity building.
    • Good oral and written communication skills.
    • Good knowledge of basic IT skills including Microsoft word, excel, power point, and outlook and Internet).
    • Creative imagination in designing interventions using Quality Improvement principles
    How To Apply
    EGPAF is an equal opportunities employer and the position is open to all. Qualified candidates should submit a CV, cover letter and relevant certificates explaining how the experience detailed in the CV will contribute to the requirements of the position and references to EGPAF.
    Submissions To Be Sent To
    The Senior Human Resource Manager,
    Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation,
    P.O. BOX 1628,
    395 Ursino Park , Mwaikibaki Road, Morocco
    Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
    Or e-mail: recruitment.tanzania@pedaids.org
    Closing date: 08 th January 2018.
    Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
    Warning: Any Job Vacancy Requesting Payment is a Scam
    3 Jobs at Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Tanzania 3 Jobs at Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Tanzania Reviewed by jobs mpya on Thursday, January 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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