Call for applications:
Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) Media Fellowship on
Road Safety
Image result for Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS)
Are you in your final year or a recent graduate of journalism, mass communications or media studies? Are you passionate about public health and specifically road safety, and interested in raising awareness among the general
public in order to influence change? Are you interested in being nurtured by leading media practitioners in the practical elements of journalism through exposure to a state of the art media lab? Would you like to be able to tell compelling stories that bring impact?

If your answer to the above questions is yes, Tanzania Media Foundation (TMF) would like to invite you to apply for the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) MediaFellowship on Road Safety. The fellowship aims at supporting and nurturing young journalists who are interested in reporting on road safety as a public health concern. The six month programme intends to engage with the public, policy makers and other government authorities for specific changes to the legislation and enforcement of road safety through media. It will involve the creation of an interactive platform and have an online interface with the public and other stakeholders allowing for engaging with the data by employing data journalism and a solutions-oriented perspective.

Why road safety?
Road traffic accidents will become the seventh leading cause of death in the world by 2030 if nothing is done to mitigate the problem. Estimates put at 1.24 million the number of people who die in road crashes annually while between 20 and 50 million people are injured. In Tanzania alone, according to the Tanzania Police Traffic Department, road accidents claimed the lives of 16,850 and injured 77,735 people between June 2011 and 2015. This has caused economic and social losses to their families, reduced economic manpower and created a huge burden to the Tanzanian health care system.

Nonetheless, not much has been done to leverage the media to address and change things. That being the case therefore, the United Republic of Tanzania has in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO), Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) and TMF, set out to reduce road crashes in Tanzania by amongst other things, engaging the media.

Who are we looking for?
The fellowship is open to vibrant young journalists who are either currently in their final year or graduated from an accredited university or college in or after 2016.

Specific selection criteria include:
 Demonstrated interest in road safety as a public health issue and/or other issues of public concern.
 Demonstrable analytical, critical and comprehension skills.
 Interest in data journalism and digital media is an added advantage.
 Readiness to spend a period of up to six weeks on assignment away from home during the programme.
 Knowledge of English and Swahili.
 Professional commitment to practicing journalism and promoting media development as well as adherence to the highest levels of integrity and ethics.

Fellow’s obligations
I. Secure permission from their principals/editors/office to participate in the fellowship.
II. Effective participation in the orientation programme.
III. Participate in all field work and field trips.
IV. Participate in all master classes.
V. Participate in peer review sessions between fellows and mentors.
VI. Produce a minimum of four (4) in-depth, researched, investigative, analytical and well packaged stories.
VII. Weekly blogging to share personal reflections and field work experience on matters related to road safety.
VIII. Attend all planned events as stipulated in the fellowship programme or as instructed by the fellowship coordinator.

How to apply
All applications should be done online through will be prompted to provide an abridged CV, one recent passport-size photo, two samples of recently published or broadcast work (print, electronic, or online) if available (alternatively, you may provide an academic paper or any sample work that you have produced) and names and contact details of TWO referees. The application deadline is 28th April 2017. TMF will only receive one application per applicant; submission of more than one application by the same applicant will result in his/her disqualification. Women are highly encouraged to apply.

Source: TMF Official Website
Warning: Any Job Vacancy Requesting Payment is a Scam
JOBS MPYA 2017 Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) KWA WAANDISHI WA HABARI TANZANIA MEDIA FOUNDATION (TMF) JOBS MPYA 2017 Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) KWA WAANDISHI WA HABARI TANZANIA MEDIA FOUNDATION (TMF) Reviewed by jobs mpya on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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