Job description
The Government of Tanzania passed its Five-Year Development Plan 2016/2017-2020/2021: Nurturing Industrialization for Economic Transformation and Human Development , through the National Assembly of Tanzania (NA) in June 2016. In line with other planning documents such as Tanzania Vision 2025, note the importance of enhanced equity, democracy and political and social tolerance to further human and economic development in the country. It emphasizes that deepening of democracy and participation will be accelerated, among other actions, by promoting domestic accountability and enhancing institutional and human resource capacity of all three pillars of the state for proper execution of their respective functions (Tanzania Vision 2025). This is well aligned with international and regional obligations and commitments, including but not limited to, the rights to take part in the conduct of public affairs (International Covenant on International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, art. 25.); the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) guarantees women’s equal participation in political and public life (CEDAW Articles 7 and 8), Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels (Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development); SDG 5 further recognizes women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making, and Africa Union Agenda 2063 aspiration for an Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law (African Union Agenda 2063: The Africa we want). In addition, it is well in line with the focus of the United Nations Development Assistance Plan for Tanzania (UNDAP) 2016-21, UN Women Strategic Note 2017 – 2021 and UN Women Flagship Programme, all highlighting the importance of parliamentary development in ensuring inclusive and effective democratic governance.
The National Assembly is the supreme legislative, oversight and representational body in Tanzania and the key accountability mechanism between the people and the government. It is directly engaged in the rules that apply as part of the legal and policy framework under which development occurs and in the allocation of government funding to ensure resources for the effective implementation of such laws and policies. It is critical that the National Assembly has the capacity to fulfil its constitutional and legal mandate to legislate and oversee the implementation of expenditures and laws, ensuring the voices of all the citizens of Tanzania are reflected in these processes.
Parliaments are key stakeholders in the promotion and achievement of gender equality. Parliamentary oversight and legislative processes provide an opportunity to ensure that governments maintain commitments to gender equality, such as obligations under CEDAW and the SDGs, among others. While women parliamentarians have often assumed responsibility for this oversight function, globally many parliaments are taking a more holistic approach by establishing dedicated mechanisms and systematic processes across all policy areas to mainstream the advancement of gender equality.
UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.
UNDP in Partnership with UN Women under the UNDP led Legislative Support Project (LSP) II 2017-2021 will provide support to the National Assembly to enhance its effectiveness, transparency and inclusiveness in fulfilling its Constitutional mandate and operating in accordance with international good practices for democratically functioning parliaments, through 1) Increased capacity of parliamentary committees to scrutinise Bills, oversee government and engage citizens; 2) More effective National Assembly (NA) scrutiny and oversight of government, activities, budget and expenditure; 3) Strengthened functions and capacity for representing the interests of citizens in the National Assembly; 4) NA supported to more effectively engage in strategic leadership, transparency and external engagement. 5) Gender is mainstreamed in all functions of the National Assembly. If National Assembly is to deliver on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in particular on Goal 5 on gender equality and Goal 16 relating to good governance and strong institutions, it must embody women’s rights and gender equality and lead by example.
Modern societies increasingly demand gender equality and it is also a precondition for genuine democracy and development. Yet women are still underrepresented in most parliaments in the world, undermining parliaments’ effectiveness and legitimacy, as well as the capacity to promote women’s rights and gender equality in society. The National Assembly therefore, is committed to respond to the needs and interests of both men and women in its own structures, operations, methods and in its core legislative and oversight functions. To ensure gender is mainstreamed in all functions of the National Assembly, UN Women will support a gender audit of the National Assembly (to review its structures, operations, methods) and capacity needs assessment. The resulting gender gap analysis will allow the National Assembly to plan accurately and fill capacity gaps to enable effective gender mainstreaming and identify targeted interventions. Resulting of the assessment, a gender strategy for the National Assembly will be developed. The gender strategy will assist the National Assembly to aim for gender responsive and sensitive decision-making, increase the capacity of officials, MPs, Committee’s and different Departments to integrate gender perspectives within all areas of their work, including personnel policies and practices. This will be followed by an implementation plan for the gender strategy and the development of tailored gender training modules to facilitate implementation.
Duties and Responsibilities
Under The Overall Guidance Of The UN Women Head Of Leadership, Political Participation And Governance And The Clerk Of The National Assembly, The International Consultant Will Serve As The Team Leader In Achieving The Below Objectives
  • To ensure the National Assembly possesses a comprehensive gender assessment, including the review and evaluation of the institutional structure, operations, rules, regulations and procedures;
  • To enable a thorough understanding of the gaps in gender capacity by conducting gender capacity assessment of the committees, women and men Members of Parliament and the National Assembly staff.
  • To have a clear direction for the pursuit of gender equality within the work of the National Assembly through a comprehensive Gender Strategy and corresponding Implementation Plan
To increase the gender capacity at the National Assembly through the development of a gender training programme with a focus on the implementation of the Gender Strategy tailor made for different departments, committees and functions.
Key Deliverables
  • Inception report including the methodology for the comprehensive institutional gender assessment, capacity needs assessment, development of strategy, training materials and delivery of training, including the tools for data collection;
  • Presentation of the inception report at the inception meeting;
  • Final Inception Report with inputs incorporated resulting of the inception meeting;
  • Desk/literature review on best practices of national, regional and global experiences on NA gender mainstreaming, relevant national legal framework and National Assembly policies, procedures/regulations, reports, and other relevant documents;
  • Comprehensive gender assessment, comprising the review and evaluation of the institutional structure, operations, rules, regulations and procedures of the National Assembly (i.e. parliamentary facilities, sitting times, budget allocations and services available, unwritten rules, norms, etc.) from a gender perspective. The assessment will include a gender Capacity Needs Assessment of the Committees, women and men Members of Parliament and the National Assembly staff in performing its legislative, representation, budget and oversight functions. Data collection will be done through participatory methodology. The Assessment will include but will not be limited to the following;
    • Ratio of women and men in parliament (compared numbers and positions);
    • Gender analysis of the NA legal and policy framework;
    • Existing mechanisms to mainstream gender equality throughout the work of parliament including oversight and monitoring of GEWE commitments (overview and analysis of effectiveness);
    • A reflection on the status of special seats MPs;
    • Analysis of the existing infrastructure and policies to support a gender-sensitive culture;
    • Analysis of the shared responsibility for gender equality among all parliamentarians;
    • Analysis of the potential for Members of Parliament to be champions for gender equality; and
    • the role of parliamentary staff in supporting gender equality outcomes.
  • Comprehensive Gender Strategy and Action Plan for the National Assembly, including but not limited to the following:
    • Gender Terms and Concepts
    • Contextual Analysis
    • Methodology
    • Gender Analysis of the National Assembly including in performing its legislative, representation, budget and oversight functions: Rationale, Gaps, Challenges and Opportunities
    • Strategic Framework: Vision and Mission for the pursuit of gender equality in the National Assembly, Gender Strategic Framework (objectives/ goals/ indicators)
    • Monitoring and evaluation framework
    • Gender responsive training programme with focus on the implementation of the Comprehensive Gender Strategy, tailored to different functions, MPs, staff, Committees and departments of the NA, based on the capacity needs assessment;
    • Implementation (Conditions to achieve gender equality in the National Assembly, Implementation Structure and Coordination Mechanisms)
  • Submit draft documents (Gender Assessment including Gender Capacity Needs Assessment, and a Gender Strategy for the National Assembly including Gender responsive training programme) for review and final documents after incorporating comments
  • Report of the validation workshop to present within the NA with NA staff, MPs, specific Committees
Report of the Validation workshop to present the Gender Assessment, Gender Capacity Needs Assessment, Gender Training Programme and a Gender Strategy for the National Assembly
Implementation Timeframe
The consultancy shall be undertaken over a period of 45 days that will start running from the date of signing the consultancy agreement.
The consultant is expected to develop and submit an action report including work plan as a pre- requisite for signing of agreement
  • Inception Report (3 working days)
  • Present the inception report at the inception meeting and incorporate inputs (2 working days)
  • Desk/ literature review (6 working days)
  • Comprehensive gender assessment including capacity needs assessment (18 working days)
  • Incorporate feedback to the draft Gender Capacity Needs Assessment and the Gender Assessment (2 working days)
  • Develop a Comprehensive Gender Strategy and Action Plan (8 working days)
  • Incorporate feedback to the draft Comprehensive Gender Strategy and Action Plan (1 working day)
  • Validation Workshop preparation, rolling out and reporting (3 working days)
  • Incorporate comments and submit final documents (2 working days)
  • Extensive knowledge of international gender standards and experience in best practices in promoting women’s rights;
  • Solid knowledge and understanding of conducting participatory gender audits;
  • Strong analytical and drafting skills;
  • Ability to adapt to different environments (cultural, economic, political and social);
  • Demonstrate professional competence and is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results;
  • Demonstrate interpersonal and diplomatic skills, as well as the ability to communicate effectively with all stakeholders and to present ideas clearly and effectively;
  • Computer literacy and ability to effectively use office technology equipment, IT tools;
  • Demonstrate commitment to upholding and promoting the values of the United Nations in actions and decisions, in line with the UN code of Conduct;
  • Create and promote an environment for open and effective communication;
  • Share knowledge and build a culture of knowledge sharing and learning;
  • Be strong team player.
Required Skills And Experience
Academic Qualifications:
Master’s degree in Law, Social Sciences, Gender/Women’s Studies, Political Science or any other relevant field
  • Experience:
    At least 15 years of relevant professional experience in the field of gender equality and women’s rights;
    At least 6 years of proven experience in organizing, facilitating and conducting seminars, trainings and round tables with state institutions/agencies/organizations, on gender related issues;
    Experience of advisory work on parliamentary development or practical experience as Member of Parliament or parliamentary staffer is a strong advantage;
    Track record of producing timely and high quality written reports and a proven background and experience at the international level of research or academic experience in the field of women’s rights and gender equality, including in gender mainstreaming, gender audits and assessments, development of strategies, training manuals and materials;
    Working experience with international inter-governmental organizations is a strong advantage.
    A proven track record in designing and conducting analyses that use participatory methods
    Good analytical and communication skills with a high level of proficiency in both written and oral English;
    Good domain of Swahili is an asset.
    Submission of application and criteria for selection
    Interested international consultant need to submit the following documentation in support of their application:
    • One cover letter: Explaining why the candidate is the most suitable for the work;
    • Proposed approach and envisioned work plan;
    • UN Women Personal History Form (P11), which can be downloaded at http://www.unwomen.org/about-us/employment ;
    • The travel costs will be as per UN Standard Regulations.
    • Please group all your documents into one (1) single PDF document as the system only allows to upload maximum one document;
  • Warning: Any Job Vacancy Requesting Payment is a Scam
    UNDP JOBS TANZANIA OCTOBER 2017 UNDP JOBS TANZANIA OCTOBER 2017 Reviewed by jobs mpya on Thursday, October 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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