Jobs at IOGT-NTO Arusha Tanzania egional manager at our office in East Africa

Job description
Tasks and responsibilities
Now we are looking for a new regional manager at our office in East Africa

Now we are looking for a new regional manager at our regional office in Arusha, Tanzania.
The service includes managing and developing work in the region including the office, which today consists of six employees, as well as developing cooperation with our partner organizations with activities in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda.

As Regional Manager you are responsible for the office staff, economics including budget and funding as well as communication with our headquarters in Stockholm. An important part of your work is to plan, implement, follow up and develop the business. Together with your regional office, you can work with world surveillance, networking, skills development, opinion formation and impact work. The service also requires follow-up trips in the region.

We gather dedicated employees

In order for us to get a successful partnership it is important that we make a good match for both parties. Therefore, we seek you with relevant university education and at least three years of documented experience of qualified international development work. You have worked with finance and management of staff and activities, including project management. Very good knowledge oral and written in English is a requirement while knowledge of Swahili is meritful.

It is an advantage if you have general knowledge of impact work and the economic and social situation in East Africa and have worked on public health issues from a rights based

perspective. It is also an advantage if you have experience working with goals, follow-up and donor requirements within the framework of Radio Aid and / or Forum Syd / SIDA.

As a leader and employee, you have a good teamwork, feel comfortable providing and receiving feedback and handling any conflicts. As a person, you are perceived as structured, responsive and patient while you are initiativeful and determined. It is important that you understand and can adapt to different situations and contexts, to give confidence and to create trustworthy relationships. If you have experience from the IOGT-NTO movement and / or the non-profit sector, we consider it highly credible.

You share the values ​​of the sobriety movement and are expected to be a member of any of the four federations of the IOGT-NTO movement at the latest at the start of employment.

We welcome your application

The international service is full-time for 2 years with placement in Arusha and the terms follow our industry agreement for nonprofit and idea-based organizations, with the addition of specially regulating working hours, insurance, health care, unemployment, pay and travel. You are provided accommodation and have access to a car to use in the service. The appointment will take place in November 2017 and will start with a week's introduction in Stockholm.

You are welcome with your application containing CV and personal letter, in Swedish or English via our recruitment system by May 8th. Recruitment can be done on a regular basis and we will preliminarily invite interviews starting in week 20 and 21.

Contact person for the service: Bitr. General Secretary Sara Heine, 0733-83 83 57

Contact person for Union's local union club: Anna Classon, +46 8 672 60 95

We kindly refuse our offerings from staffing and recruitment actors.

Warning: Any Job Vacancy Requesting Payment is a Scam
Jobs at IOGT-NTO Arusha Tanzania egional manager at our office in East Africa Jobs at IOGT-NTO Arusha Tanzania  egional manager at our office in East Africa Reviewed by jobs mpya on Thursday, April 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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